Thursday, June 10, 2010

Girls Will Be Girls

Yep, it's been 5 months since the last post....but, whose counting?!

Addysen turned 4!!!! Can you believe it? More to come on her birthday (don't hold your breathe). But, she received some more makeup from friends which consisted of lipgloss, nail polish, etc. Please recall that Avery is not yet two (really 21 months to be exact), however, she must do everything her sister does. So, she decides to try out the makeup and takes it upon herself to put it on Addy. The following pictures are the result of that:

Addy starts getting frustrated because the lip gloss is going all over her face...

So, Avery decides it's her turn... :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Too funny...very sweet

Tonight, just before reading books and going to sleep, Addysen pulled me aside very concerned - in a hushed tone, looking around behind her she said to me:

I have to tell you something. I have to tell you something!

Then she looked me straight in the eye and said slowly - so I could comprehend the grand scale of the problem:


I know your name is Daddy.

Mommy always calls you Doug.

Then she pulled me in very close and whispered in my ear:

It's okay. Don't worry. I can tell her if you want me to.

Yea, she's always looking out for me!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby Blanket and more...



Please take my baby blanket out of this machine..right now!!

Poor Avery sat (rolled around) in the laundry room the entire wash and dry cycle waiting on her beloved baby blanket to make it through unharmed...

Speaking of making it through...we are finally feeling settled in our new home in PA -- Addy is doing fantastic in preschool and she has made lots of new friends -- Avery is getting so big now and she has entire conversations with us in her own totally excellent language -- Monty has been very happy here and the woods behind the house always make for good exploring -- Lyndsey's work has completely taken off and she is excelling in every way -- I am up and running with my legal research business -- we are almost totally unpacked (well, not really) -- the house is getting fresh paint and is filling with life and color -- we have actually put some of our art and photos on the walls (amazing how things look on the wall instead of leaning up against it).. all good stuff.

Anyway, we do hope everything is very good with you and yours and we're looking forward to sharing more of our adventures and such with you here on this page as we move along in 2010! Is it really almost February already?