Ummm...yeah...sometimes we forget we live in Our Nation's Capital, home to some of the most beautiful monuments and museums around. So, when Doug had the amazing idea to take Addy to the National Museum of Natural History, I jumped at the idea!
The best part - it only took us 20 min tops to drive to the Mall, find a parking spot, and walk to the museum. So, we ask ourselves, why don't we do this all the time????
We invited G'ma Gurr to join us on our adventure. It was a fun day. There were tons of interesting exhibits, including a new ocean exhibit, home of a 45-foot replica of the new North Atlantic right whale. It is suspended above us in the pic below:
Addy went exploring in the hands-on kids discovery room. She thought the magnify glass was the coolest thing ever!
Looks like Daddy's having some fun too!
Look at these crazy amazing exhibits!
We also checked out the butterfly exhibit. For some reason Addy wasn't especially interested in it. There were butterflies everywhere and I think it frightened her a bit. One did land on Doug's shoulder and, as you can see in the photo, Addy was quite skeptical.
At least we got a pretty good family photo while in the butterfly exhibit!
This is pretty much Avery throughout the museum. She couldn't be less interested :)
The adventure concluded with hot dogs and lemonade on the Mall and a carousel ride with G'ma!
What a great day to live in DC!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Where Do We Live???
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 2:23 PM 1 comments
The Artiste!
Addy just loves to do anything crafty like coloring, glueing, stickering, pompoming, cutting, glittering.....and she just LOVES to paint!
Kisses for the paparazzi!
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 2:17 PM 2 comments
Day Off Work
I'm home from work today. My work schedule is such that I get every other Friday off from work (typically, depending on the time of year). It was nice to sleep until 6:45am since, when I'm working, I set the alarm for 5:15am. The girls and I went to a "Time for Twos" storytelling class at the library. We had a nice time with about 20 other two-year olds, got a library card, and checked out a tongue twister book that Addy wanted. Here's Addy and Avery before heading out the door:
Addy and I read a couple of books and I put her down for a nap around 1pm. I came into the office to catch-up on blogging and emails etc and heard her singing herself to sleep. I LOVE when she sings - it's enjoyable! I just went in to grab her sippy cup and found her asleep on the floor between the rocking chair and the ottoman. Hilarious!
Could you spot her totally covered with her blanket with just her arms and feet peeking out? I tucked her back into bed and she's sleeping peacefully now :) Did you notice Addy's big-girl bed? She just got it and seems to love it. It's a twin that she has necessarily graduated to from her toddler bed. The last couple of weeks before getting her twin bed we were putting her toddler mattress (the size of a crib mattress) in the middle of her bedroom floor. She was constantly rolling off of it. She (and we) are very happy with this new purchase!
This morning I was snapping some shots of Avery in her crib. She is getting so big and is just so cute! She kept on falling over....
I just love my girls and am happy to spend the day with them :)
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Day in PA
Addysen loves her cousin Michael. And when I say love, I mean love with a capital L! Michael and his brothers gave Addy a nightgown the last time they were visiting. Every time Addy wears it she says, "This is Michael dress me." So, of course we had to go up to PA for his birthday party. It was all six year-old boys and Addy but she (and we) had a blast!
First, we went to Michael's soccer game in the morning. Look at those moves!
Then we went to his dinosaur-themed birthday party. It was pretty rambunctious with like 8 six year-old boys! There was a lot of sword-fighting going on...
Mauricio, the oldest of Lani's boys, planned this awesome dinosaur fossil game!
Look at this amazing Stegosaurus cake Lani made!
I love how Addy's the only girl in a room filled with boys...
Doug with the girls at the par-tay...
Michael loved the gift Addy and Avery gave him.
This was hilarious. You know, I said at the top of the blog, that Addy loves Michael. She went up to give him a hug after he opened the gift she gave to him. Normally he totally hugs her back. But, he had to play it cool in front of his "boys". Ha ha. Soooo funny.
We had so much fun visiting with the de la Parra's. We hope to see them again soon!
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
JoJo, JoJo's Circus
Get on your feet, we're gonna have some fun
JoJo, JoJo's Circus
JoJo and Goliath together:
JoJo enjoying candy before trick-or-treating:
Trick-or-treating with Mommy and Daddy:
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 3:13 PM 2 comments