Thursday, June 10, 2010

Girls Will Be Girls

Yep, it's been 5 months since the last post....but, whose counting?!

Addysen turned 4!!!! Can you believe it? More to come on her birthday (don't hold your breathe). But, she received some more makeup from friends which consisted of lipgloss, nail polish, etc. Please recall that Avery is not yet two (really 21 months to be exact), however, she must do everything her sister does. So, she decides to try out the makeup and takes it upon herself to put it on Addy. The following pictures are the result of that:

Addy starts getting frustrated because the lip gloss is going all over her face...

So, Avery decides it's her turn... :)


ashley said...

wow, addy is looking so grown up. and avery is such a gurr! it is fun to see the pictures.

The Fitzgerald Family said...

how's the new LiFE?!!!! I will call you - my only hang up is i don't know your new numbers?!

BHF said...

So adorable...