Addy is saying some adorable things these days. Half the time we wonder how she knows to say the things she says. Some of her favorite things to say are:
"Where ah u?" If you don't respond she gets louder, "Momma, WHERE AHH UUUUU?"
"Wha doin? Wha doin? Wha doin?"
"Wha happened? U OK? Oh, it OK Momma."
"OH, whet's do DAT! Whet's DOOO dat!" She says this when she really likes what you just suggested doing. It could be as simple as putting on our shoes or more fun like going to the park. Each suggestion would get the same enthusiastic response.
"I wuv uuu. I wuv u, Momma. Oh, I WUVVV baby sista." (she says she loves EVERYTHING!)
"Daddy go wuuk? Ohhh, I wuv my Daddy!"
"I NEEEEED dat!" She's smart. Now, instead of saying that she wants something, she says that she NEEEEEDS it.
"No, Momma (Daddy, Baby Sista, Monty)!! Go WAY, Momma (Daddy, Baby Sista, Monty)!" This is obviously when she's angry. We're working on not saying these words anymore...
"I tiwood (tired). Tiwood Momma?"
"No, Not. No, no Nauught!" When she doesn't want to do something.
"U helpa me?" When she wants help with something.
"Herd dat?!" She especially says this when it's a sound that is interesting like the garbage truck or bells ringing etc.
She pretty much puts the "P" sound before most words. We asked her if she would like pizza or soup for dinner. Her response, "Poop". Okay..... :-)
Friday, October 31, 2008
In Addy's Words
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Last night I put Avery in this swing we are borrowing from the Pohle's. I was interested to see how she'd like it since Addy was not much into swings. She'd typically start crying after 2 minutes. Avery thought it was the coolest thing! She smiled and cooed at the little animals hanging down and then 15 minutes later zonked out! I tried it later in the evening and she did the same thing. I love this swing!!
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 2:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We Did it All for Bob
Bob the Builder that is.
Addy loves the Bob the Builder ride at Babies R Us, and I wanted to go check out some items on a baby registry, so we took an adventure out this morning to the store.
I absolutely have no money in my wallet these days since I haven't been working. NO dollars, no change. So, Doug gave Addy four quarters to take with her to the store so she could ride the Bob the Builder ride. She was so proud of her money and she carried it in the side leg pocket of her pants.
We show up to the store at 9:20am and it opens at 9:30am. Umm, yeah, you don't have to say it. Pathetic...or just super decide. As I'm sure you read in my previous post Avery Turns 2 Months, Avery is typically a terrific baby. She's so easy to take places and, as I said, just "goes with the flow". Well, right when we get into the store this morning (and when I say right when, I mean right when) she begins to scream. Not cry, but SCREAM! I was absolutely shocked because my very well-mannered baby just doesn't do this kind of thing. I pick her up, rock her, burp her, and she's still screaming. So we head to the Mother's Room to feed her. She barely drinks and screams the entire time. Addy was quite patient I must say as we were in there for nearly 45 minutes! The whole time Addy would take her quarters out of her pocket and count them, then hold them super tight, then count them again...then she lost one quarter and we found it sitting on some odd ledge thing in the room. BTW, the Mother's Room is not the most lugerious of rooms.
Avery calmed down enough that we could finally start our registry shopping. And, thank goodness, because Addy is now getting very impatient and definitely now wants to ride that most wonderful ride of rides! After finally figuring out the aisles we need to navigate due to the registry pages getting out of order (and they don't have page numbers, and there were quite a few pages) we are finally able to checkout and ride the Bob ride.
Addy's never put the quarters into the ride before, but she inserted 2 quarters and pushed the bright green START button like an old pro! Then she rode it again...because her Daddy was brilliant and gave her enough quarters for 2 rides!
Anyway, here she is enjoying her ride. Avery lost her binky around this time (or maybe I lost Avery's binky) and the ride home in the van was well...I'm sure you can imagine :-)
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 8:25 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Avery Turns 2 Months
Where did the last 2 months go?
It was so funny because I was on the phone with my sister Ashley just yesterday. She was talking about how her baby, Will, who is just 1 week younger then Avery, is cooing and smiling a lot. I was like, Avery is not doing that at all! Then, last evening, Avery and I were spending some quality time together during the Presidential Debate after Addy went to bed. We were chatting (or I was chatting) about what we would be doing today and she was giving me these huge smiles and bubbles and cooing like crazy! It was adorable and, as Doug would say, "makes her seem more human". :)
Avery is such a well-mannered baby and just goes with the flow.
She will sit in her baby papasan and just watch Addy and I play.
She's beautiful, just like her sister.
She can sleep through any noise.
She is sleeping through the night! Yes folks, she will go 10-12 hours without eating at night and will sleep about 8 hours straight. A mothers dream!
She loves baths.
She loves to be outside.
She loves to be held.
She is so aware now and turns her head in the direction of conversation.
Addy and I took Avery to her 2 month check-up yesterday. She got 3 shots which she was quite distraught about. Addy would lean over to her and say "it's OK baby sister". She is so sweet with her. Avery weighed in at 12 lbs 1 ounce which puts her in the 84th percentile. She measured a height of 23.75 inches which puts her in the 93rd percentile. I wish I could find Addy's info from her 2 month check-up to compare. But, all signs are pointing toward Avery being tall just like her sister!
I just looked at all the photos above and realized that they have all been taken in the same chair. You'd think we leave Avery in the baby papasan 24/7!
Also, I tried for 1/2 hour earlier today to get some good pictures of Avery smiling to no avail. Of course, she's smiling up a storm just as I write this post. Go figure!
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 1:39 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Shed Extravaganza
OK, so maybe "extravaganza" is a bit strong. But, it was one work-filled Columbus Day weekend here at the Fitzgerald household. We ordered this shed from Costco a couple of months ago and its been sitting in our driveway just itching to be built. It seems like a pretty durable shed. My Mom agreed to watch the girls on Saturday while we began this endeavor. It was actually a little strange being at home and not having the girls around. I'm not going to lie...the quiet sound CRYING....was quite nice! Doug and I actually turned the iTunes up on our computer and built a shed like we were teenagers again! :) Seriously, we got a lot of work done on Saturday thanks to my Mom! (on that note, the girls had a blast at Grandma's. Avery slept pretty much all day, they went on a walk to the playground, and did other fun things that you do with Grandparent's. I picked them up before dinner and Addy didn't want to leave. That's a sure sign of a good day!) So, the Shed Extravaganza all started with a level and sturdy base of 2X4's, 4X4's, block things and pebble stones. Doug found a guy on-line who did this same thing and raved about the results. And, lest you forget, we live at the bottom of a hill, so pebbles for the rain runoff was necessary.
Doug and I then proceeded to empty the contents of the boxes. Let me tell you...I was just a little nervous when I saw all the screws and parts (the pictures below really do not do it justice!)
We installed the floor:
And installed the walls, corner pieces, windows and shelving:
The day had pretty much ended for me. I picked up the girls while Doug plugged along while I was gone, weather-proofing the skylights, among other frustrating tasks.
Saturday was pretty much the extent of my help. Sunday rolled around and Avery decided it'd be fun to be awake all day long and Addy was indifferent to helping. She would rather play in the shed instead of construct it.
She also found great joy in hiding in this antique box that was Doug's Grandfather's.
Doug, by his self for the remainder, worked on the hardware for the doors before installing them:
Then he installed the roof and its support beams:
Of course it was Redskins Sunday so he was able to take a football break during the day and STILL complete the shed before nightfall!
Doug admiring his work and I'm pretty sure sighing a sigh of relief that it was finally over:
The next day was my day!! I love organizing so we spent a couple of hours putting all the tools and machinery in its place. Nice, eh?
So, there you have it. We're pretty happy with our purchase and being able to construct it on our own. We're anxiously awaiting the first rainfall to see how it holds up to the elements!
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 2:52 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Fall Weekend in the Poconos
This past weekend we drove up to the Poconos Mountains for a short vacation with our good friends the Pohle's. It was a much needed escape as we realized we haven't taken a family vacation (long or short) since last December. The house Tammy reserved was perfect with huge windows overlooking the woods. It was beautiful as the leaves were just turning and we all agreed a trip here in the winter for skiing was necessary. The house also had a hot tub which us adults thoroughly enjoyed after the kids were asleep! A special thanks to Tammy and Matt for planning the entire thing including the horseback riding and hikes. This made for a very relaxing time for myself. I'll have to definitely return this favor on our next vacation :) They are just leaving the Poconos today - we were so jealous that they were able to stay for an entire week!
We all agreed that a vacation with kids was very much the same as being at home but in a different location. I wish I had a picture of our van loaded up with everything! And, yes...I said van. Yep, we have a van...a minivan. I'll post something later on that. Anyway, the stuff you need to bring for a 2 night vacation!! The pluses are that there are more adults to go around, the kids can entertain each other, and you get to enjoy some adult company in the evenings!
Doug and I went horseback riding Saturday morning (our firsts since young kids) while Tammy and Matt watched the kids. We returned the favor for them that afternoon. We had so much fun! We were the only 2 at our early appt and it was so relaxing. My horse, Betsy, was quite a tailgater while Doug's horse, Scotch, was much more laid-back.
On our way to the stable we spotted some wild turkeys out our car window. You can spot them almost everywhere you go:
A "scary" trail:
Here's Doug at the stable:
Doug mounting his horse:
Me and Betsy:
Doug and Scotch:
Every time I pointed the camera at Evan he would turn and give me the biggest smile!
This is pretty much what Avery did the entire weekend...except with her eyes closed!
Addy enjoying some tic tacs:
Addy and Evan seemed to enjoy playing with each other even though they are 20 months apart in age:
Evan getting up close and personal with Avery:
We changed alot of diapers over the weekend...
And took many naps (well the kids did at least )...
We visited this local lake in the evening. The lake was so calm and peaceful. Notice the beautiful house on the other side of the lake. We think this is first house Tammy was about to reserve. We've decided we'll be staying there next time :)
I love this picture of the Pohle's - notice Chloe's eye for the camera :)
My family!
Isn't that the most adorable face!
Sunday we had time for a scenic hike down a trail (I forget the name) in the State Park 5 min from our rental house. The trail led to a beautiful waterfall.
We left to come back home shortly after this hike and it took about 20 minutes just to get situated enough to leave the driveway of the rental house. We made it back home and had a very uneventful drive...just how we like it!
Posted by The Fitzgerald Family at 2:34 PM 2 comments