Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Tonight is Game 1 of the National League Division Series for our beloved Cubs and the excitement on Morgan Street has reached a fever pitch!

Last night Monty was running in his sleep and I can only think he was dreaming of making his way around the bases after a walk off homer over the left field wall and out onto Waveland Ave....

Breakfast this morning started with oatmeal and a random 'Go Cubs' chant led by No. 1 fan Addysen which led to much barking and tail wagging and smiles all around.

Addy is known to walk the stairs and halls of our home randomly tossing out a chorus of 'GO CUBBIES!!, GOOO CUBBIES!!' to see if anyone wants to join in the chant - and of course Lyndsey, Monty, and I always do!

At just 2 & 1/2 Addysen has discovered many of the best things in life - mommy, family, pizza, hot dogs, the Redskins, chicken noodle soup, gummy bears, and Cubs Baseball! Amen!

Go Cubs Go!


ashley said...

Not much of a baseball fan here, but that is soo cute. I love when my kids get into things I enjoy. I makes life fun!!