Friday, October 31, 2008

In Addy's Words

Addy is saying some adorable things these days. Half the time we wonder how she knows to say the things she says. Some of her favorite things to say are:

"Where ah u?" If you don't respond she gets louder, "Momma, WHERE AHH UUUUU?"

"Wha doin? Wha doin? Wha doin?"

"Wha happened? U OK? Oh, it OK Momma."

"OH, whet's do DAT! Whet's DOOO dat!" She says this when she really likes what you just suggested doing. It could be as simple as putting on our shoes or more fun like going to the park. Each suggestion would get the same enthusiastic response.

"I wuv uuu. I wuv u, Momma. Oh, I WUVVV baby sista." (she says she loves EVERYTHING!)

"Daddy go wuuk? Ohhh, I wuv my Daddy!"

"I NEEEEED dat!" She's smart. Now, instead of saying that she wants something, she says that she NEEEEEDS it.

"No, Momma (Daddy, Baby Sista, Monty)!! Go WAY, Momma (Daddy, Baby Sista, Monty)!" This is obviously when she's angry. We're working on not saying these words anymore...

"I tiwood (tired). Tiwood Momma?"

"No, Not. No, no Nauught!" When she doesn't want to do something.

"U helpa me?" When she wants help with something.

"Herd dat?!" She especially says this when it's a sound that is interesting like the garbage truck or bells ringing etc.

She pretty much puts the "P" sound before most words. We asked her if she would like pizza or soup for dinner. Her response, "Poop". Okay..... :-)